Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
The purpose of this policy is to set out the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion for Participa Cornwall, our directors, our stakeholders and partners to enable us to create a diverse, inclusive and equal environment within Participa Cornwall and the local community we serve.
Participa Cornwall’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy applies to all directors, consultants, contractors and partners in the delivery of all its activities.
Policy Statement
The directors of Participa Cornwall are committed to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy. We will actively promote equality, diversity and inclusion, and will proactively remove and address any activities or behaviours that compromise this policy.
Participa Cornwall aim to create an environment where we can all work harmoniously, feel valued, appreciated and included and not unlawfully discriminate against the Equality Act 2010 protected characteristics of:
- age
- disability
- gender / gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origin)
- religion or belief
- sex
- sexual orientation
Participa Cornwall is a Community Interest Company (CIC) committed to the promotion of equal opportunity and the elimination all forms of discrimination and harassment covered by the Equality Act 2010 including (Annex 1):
- Direct Discrimination
- In-Direct Discrimination
- Discrimination by Perception
- Discrimination by Association
- Victimisation
- Harassment
Participa Cornwall recognises the distinct types of discrimination related to protected characteristics and what prevents individuals and groups gaining equal access to community resources. We are committed to taking practical steps to address inequality and discrimination by complying with relevant legislation and adopting and developing best practice in our work.
The aim of Participa Cornwall is to ensure that our commitment towards equality, diversity and inclusion are met, strengthened by our values of honesty, integrity, objectivity and impartiality and embedded in our daily work practices and behaviours with our stakeholders, partners and the local community.
Role of the Directors
The role of the directors is to ensure the creation of an environment that supports equality, diversity and inclusion and commits to treating people with dignity and respect. In particular the directors will:
- Take a leadership role in delivering the Diversity, Inclusion and Equality Policy across our activities, our stakeholders, partners and the local community we serve.
- Ensure that our Diversity, Inclusion and Equality Policy and statements are published on our website, social media, advertisements, publications and training events.
- Ensure that our directors, stakeholders and partners have access to sufficient support and training to implement this policy.
- Ensure our suppliers, stakeholders and partners are made aware of their responsibilities in relation to this policy and commit to be compliant with this policy in all their activities with Participa Cornwall.
- Continuously demonstrate commitment to the Diversity, Inclusion and Equality Policy and other policies and practices that reflect Participa Cornwall’s commitment to treating people fairly, promoting a culture of inclusion and respecting the dignity of our stakeholders, partners and the community.
Allegations regarding potential breaches of this policy will be treated in confidence and investigated thoroughly and promptly through our complaints procedure. If an allegation of discrimination is made, Participa Cornwall is committed to ensuring that the complainant is protected from victimisation or harassment.
To ensure we have an accurate picture of Participa Cornwall’s activities and to address any existing or potential inequalities or discrimination and ensure we are achieving the aims of this policy, we collect, on a voluntary basis, information on the diversity of our partners, stakeholders and the community we engage with. The information we collect covers age, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and belief and disability.
This policy will be reviewed every 2 years or when required in the event of legislative change.
This policy is supported by the following documents:
- Safeguarding Policy
- Complaints Procedure
- Risk Assessments